Taiten's Surgery......

January 13, 2011
This was a first for all of us!! Taiten has been needing his tongue clipped and his adenoids out since a baby.... Our Dr. counsled us to wait until his was 4 to make this decision for Taiten.... As things grew worse we knew this would be our next step. The Clipping of the skin under Taiten's tongue is called the frenulum...otherwise known as "tongue tied" The adenoids are a mass of lymphoid tissue in the roof of the nasopharynx, located just inferior to the sphenoid sinus and anterior to the basi-occiput. Large adenoids produce nasal obstruction, mouth breathing, nasal voice, snoring and restless sleep. Taiten was a Champ!!! We explained to him the week of his surgery what would take place and he took it with grace! Tait was so brave! He got all dressed in his cute little pj's and hopped into his little wagon, gave us a kiss and down the hall he went with the anesthesioligist to surgery. It took every thing in me to keep a smile on my face and cheer him on in confidence. The Surgery it's self would only take 40 mins...but recovery would be anohter 2-3 hours. This was really hard on us as parents, you never know what may happen...but of course we kept our chins up high! Jonathan was able to give Taiten a blessing the morning of surgery. To our suprise the surgery went alot quicker than we though, yay! The Dr. Said that on a scale from 1-10 Tait's adenoids were an 11!! Poor little guy....We had to wait for him to wake up to go back and see him....that was the kicker...it seemed like forever before they called us back. Taiten was so cute all druged up....I know that sound terrible. The nurses just loved him to pieces they were all raving over him, and wanted to take him home, but he reassured them that he would not be staying because he needed to get home to his brother! When we got home he asked his dad if he would give him a blessing, which I thought was neat...Taiten really understands why blessing are given and could reconize the spirit he felt when he has recieved them in the past! He is doing great and has had a full recovery to our knowledge!

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