Wii - American Idol sing off!

We had so much fun playing the Wii American idol, we stayed up until 2 am in the morning I think Alesha or Jon won at the end!


gInA dEntOn said...

You guys looked like you had far too much fun!! Sorry I missed you this weekend...it's been an interesting one.

Anonymous said...

Idaho Days was great! It was so fun seeing you and your family. Kylie did a great job in thep pageant. I really feel that she should have placed. Hope to see you again soon.

Kandice said...

I always see Kathy at La Tienda when we are up there and couldn't place where I knew her from, then I asked my mom who she was. I can't believe how big Alesha is, holy cow! Remember babysitting at her house and her little girl said there was a ghost or somthing in her closet and we were all so dang scared?!! Looks like you guys had so much fun playing the Wii.