Thanksgiving Point - Country Farm

Friday we took the boys to Thanksgiving point to their country Farm, the boys had a blast looking at all the animals and using their creativity pretending to be little farm boys! They also really enjoyed thier pony ride, although I was feeling pretty bad for the ponys...This was a really fun and inexpensive activity for our family. We then spent the latter part of our day with Missy and Jason down in provo, it was great catching up on life and seeing them...hence we really do not live that far away:) After that we made our way up to Logan where we stayed with my Grandparents...the boys absoultely Love Grandpa GIB!! Even at his age he is still a blast and give the boys horsey rides and does a skin a cat!!

1 comment:

Kandice said...

Thanksgiving Point is so much fun! Do you remember staying at your grandparents house for sleep-overs and watching "Dr. Giggles" in the dark?! So many memories include you sweetie! Your little family is so cute. Love you!