2010 Winter Activites!

We were able to do a few other things that I did not take photos for. We went up to park city with the boys. We took them up to the mountains so they could see all the snow...since we were not getting any snow here in the valley... We also went out to Red Rock why we were up in park city another one of our favorite places! We ended our afternoon by taking the boys to the moive Tangled! Such a Cute, cute movie! This was the boys second time ever going to a movie theather so I was not sure how it would go! Tangled is an absolute must...everyone needs to see this movie, so cute! On another event we went with our good friends Adam and Lori to Thanksgiving point and drove through the lights! All the kids thought this was Awesome!! They were not happy when we were done, they wanted to drive through again! The ride home...well...that was not so much fun, they were all so tired they just wined the whole way home! Jonathan & I were able to go to the David Archileta Christmas Concert at the Conference center! Oh how I love David...he has such an amazing voice! This was my first time going to the Christmas concert! What a great one to be my first...actually it was both of our first! We really enjoyed it the spirit was special and an experience to treasure! After wards we went to desert book and waited for an hour and a half to have David sign our Christmas CD! It was funny watching all the young girls going crazy to see him!! Great evening!
Temple Square....
We were able to take the boys to Temple Square to look at the lights! We went a little later in the month...we kept waiting for it to snow, because we really like the feeling of snow,lights,& the Temple! However this was not happening so we finally went! The boys really enjoyed all the lights, we also enjoyed being able to listen to the nativity story...the boys actually listened too!!! After the lights we went to one of our favorite places, Cafe Rio! It was a great evening together!

This was the boys first time Ice Skating! They were so, so, so exicted to ice skate! They both love going to our local grizzles Hockey team games, so they were exicted to learn to skate so they can play hockey! There little skates where so cute and watching them wobble and try to walk in them without falling was amusing...I think they thought skating was going to be a piece of cake, but they learned quickly this was not the case. Taiten and Brycen picked up actually really quickly I was really impressed with both of them...by the end of the hour Brycen was pulling me behind him!! Another 2 or 3 times an they would be pros...This was really fun for all of us

Ginger Bread Train....
We decided to to a train this year instead of our usual ginger bread house! We all really enjoyed doing this acitvity. this is one that defintely needs group effort from all ages and sizes! We had tons of fun putting this train toghether and make it our own little master piece!

Mama's 50th Birthday!
It was Mama's 50th birthday! We had her over for a special birthday dinner! She requested I made my homemade tortilla soup!! Which is soooo yummy! We had her favorite cake...white cake with rasberry filling and white frosting with coconut on top!! (I bought it from The Store) They make the best cake!! We watched a movie together called Night & Day which was really good!!

I had a wonderful Suprise visit from someone of my very special friends that I met on my mission...this is one of my most favorite families on my mission! Love, love, love them...they have been a very special part of my life, we lost contact for a little while, but we have never lost what we had...we just start where we left off!

Playin In The Snow....
I had to take these photo's of Brycen....he looked so stinking cute in his non-matching outfit! I thought the shorts added a nice touch to the put toghether especially with it being winter!! We finally got to out and play in some snow! We were going to make our traditional snowman but the snow was too fluffy...not good for packing, but we made the best of it!! Boys had a blast!

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